Monday, August 9, 2010

The Seaplane is Out of Service...

Remember how the seaplane showed up last week suffering mechanical problems, forcing a few passengers to hightail it onto the Ranger to get home? A cylinder was misfiring, and the pilot had to return to the mainland carrying only himself, keeping the weight down. As it turns out, the engine requires a new part (frankly, it seems rather lucky to me, with all this going down, that the seaplane isn't floating/sinking somewhere in the middle of Lake Superior at the moment.) The said part is being Fed-Exed from the East Coast, and the seaplane service predicts they won't be up and flying before Wednesday. In the meantime, we'll be importing Windigoans (as it turns out, we have a very friendly immigrant policy in Rock Harbor) and trying to fit everybody on the Queen and Ranger.

Speaking of "in service" and "out of service," I actually heard Dispatch on the radio today, their volume being, for the first time, slightly louder than that of an ant whispering lullabies. Is this here to stay? No predictions can yet be made.

Lastly, and of top importance here in Snug Harbor, ripe thimbleberries are finally everywhere to be found. This marks a new and delicious era of summer!

Stay tuned for some awesome action shots of line catching, taken by our very own Andrea Tavegia...

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