Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy Independence Day, and Welcome to the Busy Season

Hello again, everybody, and a late but very Happy Fourth of July! I apologize for the rather long-ish pause between posts; I was off-island for a few days over the holiday and my whole schedule got rather out-of-whack. That's what going back to the mainland will do for you. It will also make you suddenly aware that elsewhere in the world people are enjoying temperatures that are actually over sixty five degrees most days, and that some places actually experience sunshine more than once or twice a week. Sigh.

While I was gone for the fourth, I hear through the grapevine that everyone still here had a fun, albeit wet, day. Many of the lodge-hosted activities, including the canoe race, unfortunately had to be cancelled due to way too much rain (what is WITH that lately?) but the feast (held indoors) was supposedly delicious. Of course, when is barbecue not?

We're revving up for "high season" here in the Snug - mid-July through the end of August, when visitors swarm the shore like vikings, only with way less cool headgear. So far, however, the daily routine remains much the same, although daily numbers in the Visitor Center are steadily rising (a typical number now is something like 150 people in there each day.) We have had a few more medicals lately, including a helicopter evac from Mott a couple days ago, our second of the season. Here's hoping it's also the last, no matter how cool it is to see a helicopter land up close.

We are currently missing Marshall Plumer, District Ranger, and his fun and friendly fam, but Pete's doing an excellent job in his stead and we know they'll be back soon. With Robert also gone for a few days, however, our Snug family has substantially decreased in size, leaving just eight of us here to hold down the fort - so feel free to, you know, come visit, bring brownies, etc.

In the meantime, many fond regards from
Your Snug Harbor Reporter

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