Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Arrival of Summer

Summer is blooming in Snug Harbor. The weather has been happily warm and sunny, and the mosquitos and flies are out frolicking. In just a few days, we'll be celebrating Independence Day with the lodge folks, complete with canoe races, home cooked barbecue, and sweet tea (I am not permitted to say that out loud in my faux-southern-accent by the Alabama employees - apparently what sounds authentic to ME very much does NOT to them.)

Speaking of parties and delicious food and beverage, our 'Mexican Party' at the Ben East last Tuesday was a rollicking success. Some Ranger III guys came up, Pete attended from next door, and a few people boated over from Mott. We even had a few concessions employees turn out, which is as rare and delightful as an orchid sighting. If I knew Spanish, I would end this paragraph with an appropriate and witty Spanish saying, but I'll have to just go with something from my limited repertoire: Feliz Navidad! Donde esta mi gato?

With the warmer weather, leaps into Tobin Harbor and canoe trips are becoming more and more frequent. Steve, our friendly local maintenance man, can often be sighted on the harbor in a canoe, photographing loons and other wildlife. He's the one responsible for sighting this beautiful moth on the backside of a Rock Harbor outhouse.

The Hooker's Orchid and Rosy Twisted-Stalk seen here can be found next to Smithwick Mine, along the return of the Stoll Trail.

A word to all local NPS and concessions employees: Our full interpretive schedule is now up and running, including performances (it's the only word for it) on everything from mining to geologic history to woodpeckers to paddling to wolves to loons to orchids to insects. Get your butts over here and check us out. Harbor walks commence daily at one pm (except for Wednesdays) and evening programs begin at eight pm (except for Sundays.) We hope to see you here!

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