For all the horrible weather, it's still been relatively busy here in Snug Harbor - we don't mess around:
- Pete took Casey and I out for our first in-the-water scuba lesson with real scuba gear as opposed to snorkels; rain doesn't seem to matter when you're hanging out underwater anyway, eh? It was pretty exciting.
- EMT training is currently completing their third and final day in our auditorium. The island's whole slew of LE rangers and other trained rangers have been gathered here, refreshing their skills with instructor Chris from the mainland. Yesterday, Leah LaCasse, who's participating in the refresher as a Wilderness First Responder, had to jump in Tobin Harbor and pretend to be an unconscious, hypothermic patient (the hypothermia was probably not so much faked as very uncomfortable) while ten or twelve busy people went about 'rescuing' her and bemused visitors looked on. Everyone will be very happy to learn that Leah made it through the exercise with little to no limb loss.
- Just in time for the EMT refresher, Snug Harbor has been a veritable hive of injury activity the past few days - including bruised/broken ribs, chest pains, and seizures. Pete and Leah have been on the scene. I encourage everyone to be extra careful with themselves this week, because it is apparently a bad time.
- On a more cheery note, last night was the second weekly Swing Dance Night in the concession Rec Hall, where we all refreshed our swing dancing skills and added the Charleston to our repertoire. I encourage all Park Service and Concessions employees to come out for swing dancing on Thursday nights! 8:30-10 pm. Besides being an excellent medic and scuba diver, Pete is also a fabulous swing dancer and instructor. Maybe next week we'll get him to swing dance in full scuba gear while splinting someone's arm. You're gonna wanna come see that.
So rain aside, the Snug has still been bustling. But help me do a sunshine dance, or SOMEthing - I'm getting sick of this gray.
the Snug Harbor Reporter
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