Friday, June 10, 2011

Some New Arrivals

The flurry of activity that always snowballs around us when the Ranger III arrives has settled; the concrete area under the rooftop is empty; the boxes of groceries have been scuttled off under protective employees' wings. (My guess is that 90% of Snug Harbor residents are currently huddled excitedly around new bags of Doritos, boxes of Pop Tarts, six-packs of...lemonade, etc. Friday is a good day.)

This was a good boat today. Not only did it bring borrowed scuba gear for Casey and I, panes of glass for the Dassler Cabin, a huge box of new books and an absurd amount of bookmarks for the V.C. store, and a brand new computer for us to write permits on (one, sadly, that is not compatible with our keyboard or monitor) - we ALSO were brought the rest of the amazing and delightful Plumer family (Dawn, Forest, and Cole) and our newest staff member on interp and the newest resident of the Ben East, Justin Olson. We'll have to initiate him now to Snug Harbor life, where the water is always - always - cold.

Not to mention our fearless leader, Andrea 'Mama' Tavegia, returned to us from a few days off on the mainland with her delightful manfriend, Wes "tershire Sauce" Tavegia.

All in all, it's a good Friday. And as summer picks up in Rock Harbor, and everybody gets moved in, it's starting to feel like Friday comes every day...

Let's put the 'rock' in Rock Harbor and get this party started.

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