Thursday, July 19, 2012

boaters' weekend in the snug

Today would be a typical day in Snug Harbor.

The Queen IV came in at 11:30 with 91 passengers and left again at 2:45 with slightly fewer.

The Voyageur left in the morning and the seaplane made its rounds.

The interp rangers - answering questions, telling stories, explaining leave-no-trace ethics, and generally helping things run smoothly - were awesome.

Visitors enjoyed the heck out of our interactive mammals table.

Visitors also enjoyed the heck out of the balmy sunshine.

The major difference between today and an actual typical day in the Snug is that this weekend is the Isle Royale Boaters' Association weekend, with their annual (get excited) massive fish fry on Saturday evening. So this means that instead of seeing mainly THESE in the marina:

Instead we're seeing a lot of THESE:

It always gets a little more exciting when the boaters pile in, and we love to have them here. Bring on the boater orientations! Bring on the season passes! And definitely, DEFINITELY, bring on that fish fry.