Sunday, July 29, 2012

Merry Chrismoose!

At the end of every July, across America - well, you know, at least in a few places - we gather together and celebrate the ultimate holiday:

In fact, us Snug Harborites usually celebrate Chrismoose twice: once right here, with the friendly folk at Rock Harbor Lodge, and once down at Mott Island with the rest of our Park Service pals. This moose probably better represents a Mott Chrismoose:

As usual, both events were a smashing success, and both involved copious amounts of delicious food. Some highlights:

1. The Lodge Chrismoose featured foot-long hotdogs, homemade veggie burgers, candy-cane cookies, and those awesome frozen strawberry lemonade things, along with many other delicious treats. Not to be beaten,
2. The Mott Chrismoose featured a 138.5 lb pig, thanks to many hours of Levi and Jared watching it - all throughout the night, mind you. This was a giant pig. I do not know that I have ever seen a larger roasted pig. There was also corn, and - just to make my day - deviled eggs. YES.
3. The Lodge Chrismoose Canoe Race was won by Forrest and Col, representing for the Park Service as our District Ranger's sons. I don't want to rub this in anyone's FACE, or anything, but I think the Park Service has won for a few years in a row now...
4. Both events involved some jumping-off-docks activity. I mean, how else do you commemorate occasions when you live on an island?
5. Oh, and the weather did its thing - by that I mean, Lodge Chrismoose had to be rescheduled, and still occurred on a chilly, gray day, but Mott Chrismoose was on one of our hottest days yet. And they were on two consecutive days. I do not know how anyone thinks they can predict this stuff.

So Chrismoose is done, for another year, leaving Isle Royale best represented by THIS moose:
What's the spirit of Chrismoose? It's definitely about joy, I think - and new and old friendships, and eating well under a big sky, and enjoying the cold water of the lake. It's about celebrating how lucky we all are to live here on this crazy island, together. It's about how fricking goofy moose look, and how cool the loons sound at night. And, of course, it's about stuffing your face with roasted pig.

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